1 What is the name given to a triangle where all the sides are of different length?
2 What do the initials BFG stand for in Roald Dahl's famous novel?
Big Friendly Giant
3 What do W.G.Grace's first two initials stand for?
William Gilbert
4 Which sport can be played with balls of four different bouncing qualities
5 Who is the first female in line to the British Throne (May 2011)?
Princess Beatrice
6 Which couple are buried together at the Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-Upon-Avon?
Anne hathaway and William Shakespeare
7 Which member of the Irish Government lives in Phoenix Park?
The President.
Incumbant as of May '11 is Mary McAleese, this will change in October 2011 since she cannot stand for re-election.
8 What was John Wayne's real name?
Marion Morrison
9 In the classic version of Trivial Pursuit, what colour represents arts and literature?
10 How many times had Wallis Simpson been married before she married Edward VIII?