
SciFi 46 questions.
Science fiction
Pub quiz question 193 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: In Dr Who, which actor portrayed his ninth incarnation in the original series?
  2. Answer: A: Christopher Eccleston
  3. Categories: Entertainment (2) SciFi (2) Television (2) Dr Who (1)
Pub quiz question 196 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: From Dr Who's point of view (time?) in which incarnation did he first meet the Daleks?
  2. Answer: A: The first.
  3. Categories: Entertainment (1) Television (1) SciFi (1) Dr Who (3)
Pub quiz question 189 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: In Dr Who, which actor portrayed his fifth incarnation in the original series?
  2. Answer: A: Peter Davison
  3. Categories: Entertainment (2) SciFi (2) Television (2) Dr Who (1)
Pub quiz question 2763 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: In "Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death", who played the twelfth incarnation of the Doctor?
  2. Answer: A: Hugh Grant
  3. Categories: Entertainment (7) Television (7) SciFi (7)
Pub quiz question 184 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Ignoring Susan, who were the first two companions of Dr Who shown on screen?
  2. Answer: A: Ian (Chesterton) and Barbara (Wright)
  3. Notes: *: They were two of Susan's teachers from the school.
  4. Categories: Entertainment (6) SciFi (4) Television (5) Dr Who (1)
Pub quiz question 2563 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: In the 1994 Stargate film which actor played Daniel Jackson, the hieroglyphics expert?
  2. Answer: A: James Spader
  3. Notes: *: Michael Shanks played him in the series
  4. Categories: 1990s (5) Entertainment (5) SciFi (4)
  5. Times used:
Pub quiz question 187 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: In Dr Who, which actor portrayed his third incarnation in the original series?
  2. Answer: A: Jon Pertwee
  3. Categories: Entertainment (2) SciFi (2) Television (2) Dr Who (1)
  4. Times used:
Pub quiz question 7611 by pjh
  1. Question: Q: What links: Daleks; Survivors; Blake's Seven?
  2. Answer: A: Created by Terry Nation.
  3. Categories: Connections (4) SciFi (4) Television (4)
Pub quiz question 2578 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: In Star Wars what was the name of Han Solo's spacecraft?
  2. Answer: A: Millennium Falcon
  3. Categories: Film/Movies (4) SciFi (4) Entertainment (5)
  4. Times used:
Pub quiz question 4872 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Which English Sci-Fi writer first conceived the idea of artificial communication satellites in 1945?
  2. Answer: A: Arthur C Clarke
  3. Categories: Space (4) SciFi (4) Science (4) Technology (4)