
Games 74 questions.
Board games, card games, twister...
Pub quiz question 3473 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: How many discs does each play have to start with in draughts?
  2. Answer: A: Twelve
  3. Categories: Leisure (1) Games (1)
Pub quiz question 8601 by pjh
  1. Question: Q: What sport is featured in the video game “FIFA”?
  2. Answer: A: Football
  3. Categories: Games (1)
Pub quiz question 5038 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Which version of Cluedo requires players to help Chief Wiggum discover who killed Mr Burns?
  2. Answer: A: The Simpsons version
  3. Notes: *: 2000
  4. Categories: Games (3) Leisure (3) Entertainment (3) Television (3) Cartoons (3) 2000s (3)
Pub quiz question 3484 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Who's three-dimensional cube became a 70s and 80's craze?
  2. Answer: A: Rubik's
  3. Categories: Games (1) Leisure (1)
Pub quiz question 5088 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: What do pink squares indicate on a Scrabble board?
  2. Answer: A: Double word score
  3. Categories: Games (4) Leisure (4)
Pub quiz question 2499 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Name the game
  2. Image: i:
  3. Answer: A: Happy families
  4. Categories: Games (4) Children (4) Leisure (4)
  5. Times used:
Pub quiz question 3470 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Which game has a board, cards and wedges?
  2. Answer: A: Trivial Persuit
  3. Categories: Leisure (1) Games (1)
Pub quiz question 2491 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Name the game
  2. Image: i:
  3. Answer: A: Trivial Pursuit
  4. Categories: Children (4) Games (4) Leisure (4)
  5. Times used:
Pub quiz question 2498 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Name the game
  2. Image: i:
  3. Answer: A: Pop-up pirate
  4. Categories: Games (5) Children (5) Leisure (5)
  5. Times used:
Pub quiz question 2505 by pjh2
  1. Question: Q: Name the game
  2. Image: i:
  3. Answer: A: Battleships
  4. Categories: Children (4) Games (4) Leisure (4)
  5. Times used: